llama event

Display the current status of some event directory. Defaults to the current directory if no argument provided. Specify the pipeline (collection of files) whose status you would like to see using pipeline flags or just show the status of the entire llama.pipeline.DEFAULT_PIPELINE.

usage: llama event [-h] [-f [FILEHANDLER [FILEHANDLER ...]]]
                   [+f [FILEHANDLER [FILEHANDLER ...]]]
                   [--print-default-pipeline] [--dry-run-pipeline]
                   [--dry-run-dirs] [--downselect DOWNSELECT]
                   [--print-downselections] [--cruft] [--ascii] [--noplot]

Named Arguments


If provided, print a list of files in the directory that are not part of the selected pipeline. (Note that if you downselect from the default pipeline, the cruft list will include files from the default pipeline that are not part of your downselection.)

Default: False


If provided, print status in pure ascii with no color or highlighting.

Default: False


If provided, don’t plot the Pipeline graph.


If provided, do not launch a pager for viewing the Event summary when the width of the summary is greater than that of the TTY.

Default: True

choose pipeline (see ``llama.pipeline``)

-f, --filehandlers

Possible choices: SkymapInfo, RctSlkLmaCoincSummaryI3LvcPdf, LvcGcnXml, IceCubeNeutrinoListTex, LVAlertAdvok, LvcSkymapFits, RctSlkLmaCoincScatterZtfLVCPdf, CoincSignificanceSubthresholdI3Lvc, CoincScatterI3LvcPdf, RctSlkLmaLvcRetractionXml, PAstro, CoincSummaryI3LvcPdf, RctSlkLmaCoincScatterZtfI3LvcPng, ZtfTriggerList, RctSlkLmaLvcDistancesJson, LVCGraceDbEventData, RctSlkI3CoincSummaryI3LvcPdf, IceCubeNeutrinoListCoincTxt, LvcRetractionXml, RctSlkLmaCoincSignificanceSubthresholdI3Lvc, IceCubeNeutrinoList, IceCubeNeutrinoListTxt, RctSlkLmaLVAlertJSON, FermiGRBsJSON, RctSlkLmaLvcGcnXml, RctSlkLmaCoincScatterZtfLVCPng, CoincSummaryI3LvcTex, CoincSignificanceI3Lvc, RctSlkLmaCoincScatterI3LvcPng, CoincScatterZtfI3LvcPdf, RctSlkLmaCoincScatterZtfI3LvcPdf, CoincScatterI3LvcPng, CoincScatterZtfLVCPdf, LvcDistancesJson, LvcSkymapHdf5, CoincScatterZtfLVCPng, RctSlkLmaSkymapInfo, CoincScatterZtfI3LvcPng, RctSlkLmaCoincSignificanceI3Lvc, RctSlkLmaCoincScatterI3LvcPdf, Advok, RctSlkLmaLVCGraceDbEventData, LVAlertJSON

A list of FileHandler class names which should be used. If provided, FileHandler classes whose names are in this list will be included in the pipeline. If the dependencies of a requested file are not available, no attempt will be made to generate them unless they too are listed explicitly. Available filehandlers are drawn from the DEFAULT_PIPELINE (print them with --print-default-pipeline).

+f, ++filehandlers

Possible choices: SkymapInfo, RctSlkLmaCoincSummaryI3LvcPdf, LvcGcnXml, IceCubeNeutrinoListTex, LVAlertAdvok, LvcSkymapFits, RctSlkLmaCoincScatterZtfLVCPdf, CoincSignificanceSubthresholdI3Lvc, CoincScatterI3LvcPdf, RctSlkLmaLvcRetractionXml, PAstro, CoincSummaryI3LvcPdf, RctSlkLmaCoincScatterZtfI3LvcPng, ZtfTriggerList, RctSlkLmaLvcDistancesJson, LVCGraceDbEventData, RctSlkI3CoincSummaryI3LvcPdf, IceCubeNeutrinoListCoincTxt, LvcRetractionXml, RctSlkLmaCoincSignificanceSubthresholdI3Lvc, IceCubeNeutrinoList, IceCubeNeutrinoListTxt, RctSlkLmaLVAlertJSON, FermiGRBsJSON, RctSlkLmaLvcGcnXml, RctSlkLmaCoincScatterZtfLVCPng, CoincSummaryI3LvcTex, CoincSignificanceI3Lvc, RctSlkLmaCoincScatterI3LvcPng, CoincScatterZtfI3LvcPdf, RctSlkLmaCoincScatterZtfI3LvcPdf, CoincScatterI3LvcPng, CoincScatterZtfLVCPdf, LvcDistancesJson, LvcSkymapHdf5, CoincScatterZtfLVCPng, RctSlkLmaSkymapInfo, CoincScatterZtfI3LvcPng, RctSlkLmaCoincSignificanceI3Lvc, RctSlkLmaCoincScatterI3LvcPdf, Advok, RctSlkLmaLVCGraceDbEventData, LVAlertJSON

Exact same as --filehandlers, but all ancestors of the files listed with the + prefix will also be included. This means that, if you ask to generate a single file, an attempt will be made to also generate everything it depends on if necessary. If you want all those files made, this is a handy shortcut; if you want file generation to fail when ancestors are missing, use the - prefix instead.

-p, --pipeline


The name of the pipeline to use. Must be the name of a Pipeline instance from llama.pipeline. Available choices: [‘DEFAULT_PIPELINE’, ‘SUBTHRESHOLD_PIPELINE’, ‘LLAMA2_REVIEW_PIPELINE’]. If both this and filehandlers are specified, then the resulting pipeline will include all requested filehandlers from both options.


Print the contents of the default pipeline and quit.


Print the pipeline selected by the user and quit without taking further action. Use this to make sure you’ve specified the correct pipeline.

Default: False

filter runs and events (see: ``llama.run``)


A pattern specifying a list of directories to update of the form /run/directory/event*glob. See end of llama run -h documentation for details. (default: .


Print the runs and event directories that would be affected and exit without taking further action.

Default: False


Arguments to pass to the downselect method of runs selected by the run argument (note that eventid_filter is already implicitly set by the glob pattern specified in run). Arguments will only be parsed as booleans (if they equal “True” or “False”), ints (if they can be parsed as such), floats (if they can be parsed as such), or strings and should be separated by commas, e.g. --downselect manual=False,fhnameexists=PAstro. Omit a list of downselections or provide an empty string to specify no further downselections beyond the one implied by the run argument. (default: None)


Print available downselections.