llama Command Line Interface

This section covers utilities available at the command line through the llama command-line interface (CLI). All major commands are accessed recursively through llama and correspond to packages in the llama library with the same names: for example, llama run is the command you would use to start up the main LLAMA analysis daemon, and it corresponds to the functionality defined in the llama.run module. Read through the subcommands (including llama run as well as others exposing different functionality) to learn how to use LLAMA to it’s fullest from the command line.

A unified interface for accessing LLAMA functionality. Call the available sub-commands to see their capabilities; for example, to list the file-related commands available, run llama files --help; to see available event listeners, run llama listen --help, and to activate the GCN Notice listener, run llama listen gcn.

By default, all warnings about missing optional feature warnings (specified using llama.classes.OptionalFeatureWarning) are supressed. If you’d like to see which features are missing, set LLAMA_OPTIONAL_FEATURE_WARNINGS=true when calling this script. This will inform you of which features are missing and which workarounds are active based on the limitations of your LLAMA installation, but for most everyday work, these warnings are excessive and useless.

Show warnings about optional LLAMA features that may not work on your current installation:


usage: llama [-V] [--help-env] [-h]
             [subargs [subargs ...]]

Named Arguments

-V, --version

Print the version number and exit.

Default: False


Print a list of environmental variables used by LLAMA, including whether they were loaded from the environment, whether fallback defaults were specified, and their corresponding descriptive/warning messages for when they are not specified. DO NOT RUN THIS IF RESULTS ARE BEING LOGGED, since it will include any access credentials defined in the environment.

-h, --help

If a SUBCOMMAND is provided, run --help for that subcommand. If no SUBCOMMAND is provided, print this documentation and exit.

Default: False

subcommands (call one with ``–help`` for details on each)


Possible choices: batch, com, dev, event, files, flags, install, listen, poll, run, serve

If a subcommand is provided, ALL remaining

arguments will be passed to that command and it will be called.

If SUBCOMMAND takes its own

positional arguments, provide them here. This includes sub-sub commands.

subcommand summaries (pick one, use --help for more info):

Batch process large sets of organized data using LLAMA.


Utilities for communicating with remote resources.


Developer tools.


Display the current status of some event directory.


Commands related to making LLAMA analysis files.


Set flags for an event directory from the command line.


Run post-installation routines.


Listen for external triggers and react to them as they come in.


Scripts that continuously poll external resources for updates.


The main interface for running the LLAMA pipeline.


Control LLAMA server processes (for example: interactive status website).