llama com do

Provision or destroy a bunch of digitalocean servers. User will be asked for confirmation before creation or destruction of droplets proceeds.

usage: llama com do [-h] [-c [DROPLET_NAME [DROPLET_NAME ...]]]
                    [-d [DROPLET_NAME [DROPLET_NAME ...]]] [-i IMAGE_NAME]
                    [-k [KEY_NAME [KEY_NAME ...]]]
                    [-t [TAG_NAME [TAG_NAME ...]]] [-n]
                    [-C [COLUMN_NAME [COLUMN_NAME ...]]] [-S] [-K] [-T]
                    [-D [DROPLET_NAME [DROPLET_NAME ...]]]

Named Arguments

-c, --create
A list of names of snapshots to create. Will raise an error if

any of these snapshots exists.

Default: ()

-d, --destroy

A list of droplets to destroy. Can also provide a list of UNIX-style globs, like llama-parallel*, to match multiple droplets following a pattern. If no droplets are specified, instead provide a list of tags with the -t flag; any droplets with any of these tags will be destroyed. You will be prompted for confirmation before anything is deleted.

-i, --image

The name of the digitalocean image or user-created snapshot to use for newly-created droplets. Use –list-snapshots to see snapshot options. DEFAULT: ‘gwhen.com-post-er13’

Default: “gwhen.com-post-er13”

-k, --ssh-keys
A list of SSH keys to include in newly-created droplets. Use

--list-ssh-keys to see choices. Specify the SSH keys by ID or by name. (default: all available keys)

-t, --tags

Tags to use. If destroying droplets and no droplets are specified, destroy ANY droplets with at least one of the provided tags. If creating droplets, apply these tags after droplet creation if tags with those names already exist (non-existing tags will be ignored).

Default: ()

-n, --no-header-rows

If this flag is provided, tables will only print their data rows. Table titles and headers will be omitted. Useful for piping lists of droplet attributes to another program.

Default: False

-C, --columns

Possible choices: name, ip, status, tags

Which columns of Droplet metadata to include when printing droplets. Can be useful if you just want to print out a bunch of IP addresses, for example. DEFAULT: name, ip, status, tags; CHOICES: name, ip, status, tags

Default: (‘name’, ‘ip’, ‘status’, ‘tags’)

-S, --list-snapshots

If provided, print available user-created snapshots and quit.

Default: False

-K, --list-ssh-keys

If provided, print available SSH keys that can be used on new droplets and quit.

Default: False

-T, --list-tags

List available droplet tags and quit.

Default: False

-D, --list-droplets

If provided, print current user droplets (with their names, IP addresses, statuses, and tags) and quit. Optionally, provide a list of droplet names after this flag to only have information about those droplets printed. Those droplet names can also take shell-style wildcards, e.g. llama-parallel-*, to search for multiple droplets whose names fit a pattern (matching done with fnmatch).