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1# (c) Stefan Countryman, 2016-2019 



4Tools for handling incoming alerts. 



7import logging 

8from copy import deepcopy 

9from typing import Dict 

10from llama.flags import FlagDict, FLAG_PRESETS 

11from llama.utils import DEFAULT_RUN_DIR 

12from llama.cli import parse_atom, CanonicalPathAction 


14LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) 



17def flag_update_freeze_veto(flagdict: FlagDict, updatedict: Dict[str, str]): 

18 """Update a ``flagdict`` for some event wit hthe given dictionary of new 

19 flag values, but **IGNORE** any updates to the ``VETOED`` flag, since this 

20 flag should usually be set manually (and this function is meant to be a way 

21 to procedurally apply ``llama.flags.FLAG_PRESETS`` to an existing 

22 ``llama.event.Event`` without accidentally vetoing or un-vetoing the 

23 event).""" 

24 updatedict = deepcopy(dict(updatedict)) # don't clobber 

25 del updatedict['VETOED'] 

26 LOGGER.info("setting flags to %s (VETOED excluded)", updatedict) 

27 LOGGER.info("old flags: %s", flagdict) 

28 flagdict.update(updatedict) 

29 LOGGER.info("flags updated to %s", flagdict) 



32def flag_preset_freeze_veto(flagdict: FlagDict, presetname: str): 

33 """Exactly like ``flag_update_freeze_veto``, but instead of providing the 

34 dictionary of the flag value changes you want to apply, you provide the 

35 name of the ``llama.flags.FLAG_PRESETS`` attribute you want to use. Just a 

36 shortcut for getting that attribute manually that also logs the preset 

37 choice.""" 

38 LOGGER.info("setting flags (except 'VETOED') to preset: %s", presetname) 

39 flag_update_freeze_veto(flagdict, getattr(FLAG_PRESETS, presetname)) 



42class Parsers: 

43 """Parsers for new trigger listeners.""" 


45 rundir = parse_atom("-r", "--rundir", action=CanonicalPathAction, 

46 default=DEFAULT_RUN_DIR, help=f""" 

47 Change the run directory (i.e. where new LLAMA triggers are saved by 

48 the GCN handler) to this directory. Creates the directory if it does 

49 not already exist. (default: {DEFAULT_RUN_DIR})""")