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1# (c) Stefan Countryman 2017-2018 



4FileHandlers that send out information to the LLAMA team via email and which 

5create log files to record the successful sending of those warning emails. 



8from llama.com.email import EmailReceipt 



11# The following class is abstract, so we shouldn't need to define abstract 

12# methods. 

13# pylint: disable=abstract-method, duplicate-bases 

14class TeamEmailReceipt(EmailReceipt): 

15 """ 

16 Emails with important files should be sent to LLAMA team members for 

17 review. These receipts record successful sending of those emails. 

18 """ 


20 FILENAME_FMT = "rct_team_{}.log" 

21 CLASSNAME_FMT = "RctTeam{}" 


23 @property 

24 def subject(self): 

25 """By default, just alert the team with an email saying which file is 

26 ready (defined as ``self.UPLOAD``) and the ``eventid``.""" 

27 return f"{self.eventid}: {self.UPLOAD.FILENAME} Ready" 


29 @property 

30 def recipients(self): 

31 """The quick response team will be the same for most alert emails.""" 

32 # only email everybody if this is not a test and if this has been 

33 # labeled em ready (as checked by the ``Advok`` dependency). 

34 if 'test' in self.eventid: 

35 return ['gw.hen.analysis@gmail.com'] 

36 return ['imrebartos@gmail.com', 

37 'stefan.countryman@gmail.com', 

38 'stc2117@columbia.edu', 

39 'gw.hen.analysis@gmail.com'] 


41 @classmethod 

42 def decorator_dict(cls, upload, subject=None): 

43 """See ``UploadReceipt.upload_this`` and 

44 ``UploadReceipt.decorator_dict``. 


46 Parameters 

47 ---------- 

48 upload 

49 The decorated ``FileHandler`` class that is being registered for 

50 upload. 

51 subject : function or str, optional 

52 Either a string whose ``format`` function will be called with the 

53 new ``TeamEmailReceipt`` as its ``self`` keyword argument or a 

54 function taking the new ``TeamEmailReceipt`` as its only argument 

55 (will become the ``subject`` property for the new 

56 ``TeamEmailReceipt``). Uses the default 

57 ``TeamEmailReceipt.subject`` by default. 


59 Returns 

60 ------- 

61 newclassdict : dict 

62 A dictionary that can be passed to ``type`` to specify the 

63 attributes of a new class. 


65 Raises 

66 ------ 

67 TypeError 

68 If ``subject`` is not a formattable string or callable object. 

69 """ 

70 if subject is None: 

71 subject = cls.subject.fget # pylint: disable=no-member 

72 if hasattr(subject, 'format'): 


74 def subj(self): 

75 return subject.format(self) 


77 elif callable(subject): 

78 subj = subject 

79 else: 

80 raise TypeError(f"Can't understand this subject: {subject}") 


82 @property 

83 def subject(self): # pylint: disable=function-redefined 

84 return subj(self) 


86 subject.__doc__ = f"Email subject for {upload} email upload." 

87 return {"subject": subject}