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1# (c) Stefan Countryman, 2017 



4FileHandlers for uploading and downloading files from GraceDB plus utilities 

5for interacting with GraceDB. 



8import logging 

9from abc import abstractproperty 

10import datetime 

11import shutil 

12import tempfile 

13import json 

14from llama.filehandler import ( 

15 GenerationError, 

16 FileHandler, 

17 JSONFile, 


19from llama.filehandler.mixins import ( 

20 OnlineVetoMixin, 


22from llama.com.utils import UploadReceipt 

23from llama.files.skymap_info import SkymapInfo 

24from llama.com.gracedb import GraceDb, HTTPError 

25from llama.files.slack import SlackReceiptLlama 


27LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) 



30class GraceDBReceipt(UploadReceipt): 

31 """A log file created when a file is uploaded to GraceDB.""" 


33 FILENAME_FMT = 'rct_gdb_{}.log' 

34 CLASSNAME_FMT = "RctGdb{}" 


36 @classmethod 

37 def set_class_attributes(cls, subclass): 

38 """See ``UploadReceipt.set_class_attributes``; this method additionally 

39 adds ``SkymapInfo`` to the ``DEPENDENCIES`` list for ``subclass`` (if 

40 it is not implicitly there by virtue of being the uploaded file).""" 

41 super().set_class_attributes(subclass) 

42 if subclass.UPLOAD is not SkymapInfo: 

43 subclass.DEPENDENCIES = tuple(list(subclass.DEPENDENCIES) + 

44 [SkymapInfo]) 

45 # reset class attributes using new values 

46 super().set_class_attributes(subclass) 

47 return subclass 


49 @abstractproperty 

50 def log_message(self): 

51 """A message to accompany this file on the GraceDB log entry for this 

52 event. The last line of this log file is a JSON object describing the 

53 result of the upload operation.""" 


55 @property 

56 def gracedb_tags(self): 

57 """Specify tags (which affect display and access permissions) for 

58 the uploaded GraceDB file. Can be overridden for files that don't 

59 fit the default topics: 


61 [u'lvem', u'em_follow', u'sky_loc'] 


63 """ 

64 return ['lvem', # allows LVEM members to view this file 

65 'em_follow', # displays file under EM Followup section 

66 'sky_loc'] # displays file under Sky Localization section 


68 def _generate(self): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ 

69 # perform and log the upload to a tempfile, then rename when finished 

70 # so that logfile existence is synonymous with upload success 

71 # pylint: disable=invalid-name 

72 with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', dir=self.eventdir, 

73 delete=False) as f: 

74 # don't generate these as part of the test pipeline! 

75 if 'test' in self.eventid: 

76 f.write('This seems to be a test event. Aborting upload.\n') 

77 else: 

78 f.write('Message to be uploaded to GraceDB:\n') 

79 f.write('{}\n'.format(self.log_message)) 

80 # timestamp 

81 f.write('Uploading at {}\n'.format(datetime.datetime.now())) 

82 # this tagname tells GraceDb that this is analysis performed by 

83 # humans 

84 res = GraceDb().writeLog(SkymapInfo(self).graceid, 

85 self.log_message, 

86 self.UPLOAD(self).fullpath, 

87 tagname=self.gracedb_tags) 

88 if res.status != 201: 

89 fmt = 'GraceDb upload failed. Status: {}' 

90 msg = fmt.format(res.status) 

91 raise GenerationError(msg) 

92 rdict = res.json() 

93 rjson = json.dumps(rdict) 

94 f.write('Finished at {}\n'.format(datetime.datetime.now())) 

95 # The last line must be the response JSON. This way other 

96 # FileHandlers can read in the response information from this 

97 # log. 

98 f.write('Response json:\n{}\n'.format(rjson)) 

99 fname = f.name 

100 shutil.move(fname, self.fullpath) 


102 # pylint: disable=arguments-differ 

103 @classmethod 

104 def decorator_dict(cls, upload, log_message="Upload from LLAMA pipeline."): 

105 """See ``UploadReceipt.upload_this`` and 

106 ``UploadReceipt.decorator_dict``. 


108 Parameters 

109 ---------- 

110 upload 

111 The decorated ``FileHandler`` class that is being registered for 

112 upload. 

113 log_message : function or str, optional 

114 Either a string whose ``format`` function will be called with the 

115 new ``GraceDBReceipt`` subclass as its ``self`` keyword argument or 

116 a function taking the new ``GraceDBReceipt`` as its only argument 

117 (will become the ``log_message`` property for the new 

118 ``GraceDBReceipt``). 


120 Returns 

121 ------- 

122 newclassdict : dict 

123 A dictionary that can be passed to ``type`` to specify the 

124 attributes of a new class. 


126 Raises 

127 ------ 

128 TypeError 

129 If ``log_message`` is not a formattable string or callable object. 

130 """ 

131 if hasattr(log_message, 'format'): 


133 def log(self): 

134 return log_message.format(self) 


136 elif callable(log_message): 

137 log = log_message 

138 else: 

139 raise TypeError(f"Invalid log_message specified: {log_message}") 


141 @property 

142 def log_message(self): # pylint: disable=function-redefined 

143 return log(self) 


145 log_message.__doc__ = f"GraceDB upload log message for {upload}" 

146 return {"log_message": log_message} 


148 @property 

149 def upload_dict(self): 

150 """When uploading to GraceDB via the REST API, the GraceDB client 

151 produces a dict with useful information about the uploaded file. This 

152 method returns that dict. An example instance of this dict: 


154 {u'N': 46, 

155 u'comment': u'Testing json upload ONE MORE TIME!', 

156 u'created': u'2017-03-19T04:49:43.515566+00:00', 

157 u'file': (u'https://gracedb.ligo.org/api/events/M278200/' 

158 u'files/icecube_neutrino_list.json,4'), 

159 u'file_version': 4, 

160 u'filename': u'icecube_neutrino_list.json', 

161 u'issuer': {u'display_name': u'Stefan Countryman', 

162 u'username': u'stefan.countryman@LIGO.ORG'}, 

163 u'self': u'https://gracedb.ligo.org/api/events/M278200/log/46', 

164 u'tag_names': [u'em_follow'], 

165 u'tags': u'https://gracedb.ligo.org/api/events/M278200/log/46/tag/'} 


167 If the log file doesn't exist or the upload dict cannot be read, this 

168 function returns None. 

169 """ 

170 # The upload dict is converted to a single line of JSON and is written 

171 # on the last line of the upload receipt log file. This method reads 

172 # from that logfile. 

173 try: 

174 with self.open() as infile: 

175 return json.loads(infile.read().strip('\n').split('\n')[-1]) 

176 except (IOError, ValueError, IndexError): 

177 return None 



180class GraceDBPollingFileHandler(FileHandler, OnlineVetoMixin): 

181 """ 

182 A data file that can be downloaded from GraceDB as soon as it is ready. 

183 SkymapInfo is necessarily a dependency for all subclasses (since we need to 

184 extract the GraceID from it). In most cases, this should be the only 

185 dependency. 

186 """ 


188 @abstractproperty 

189 def remote_filename(self): 

190 """The name of the required data in a format recognizable by the remote 

191 resource's API. This is quite possibly dynamically generated, and so 

192 it must be considered separate from the file handler's name for this 

193 file.""" 


195 DEPENDENCIES = (SkymapInfo,) 


197 def _generate(self): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ 

198 try: 

199 res = GraceDb().files(SkymapInfo(self).graceid, self.remote_filename) 

200 except HTTPError as err: 

201 raise GenerationError(err.message) 

202 with open(self.fullpath, 'w') as outfile: 

203 outfile.write(res.read().decode()) 




207class PAstro(GraceDBPollingFileHandler, JSONFile): 

208 """A classification of an event's possible sources by probability.""" 


210 FILENAME = "p_astro.json" 


212 @property 

213 def remote_filename(self): 

214 return "p_astro.json" 


216 @property 

217 def p_bbh(self): 

218 """The probability that this was a BBH (binary black hole) merger.""" 

219 return self.read_json()['BBH'] 


221 @property 

222 def p_bns(self): 

223 """The probability that this was a BNS (binary neutron star) merger.""" 

224 return self.read_json()['BNS'] 


226 @property 

227 def p_nsbh(self): 

228 """The probability that this was a NSBH (neutron star/black hole) 

229 merger.""" 

230 return self.read_json()['NSBH'] 


232 @property 

233 def p_mass_gap(self): 

234 """The probability that at least one of the compact objects in the 

235 merger was in the ambiguous mass gap between definite BH and definite 

236 NS.""" 

237 return self.read_json()['MassGap'] 


239 @property 

240 def p_terr(self): 

241 """The probability that this event was terrestrial noise.""" 

242 return self.read_json()['Terrestrial'] 


244 @property 

245 def most_likely_population(self): 

246 """Get the population that this event most likely belongs too by seeing 

247 whether it is more likely than not to contain NS matter. More 

248 precisely, compares ``p_bbh`` to ``p_bns + p_nsbh + p_mass_gap``, 

249 returning ``'bbh'`` if the former is larger and ``'bns'`` if the latter 

250 is larger. ``p_terr`` is ignored in this calculation.""" 

251 if self.p_bbh > self.p_bns + self.p_nsbh + self.p_mass_gap: 

252 return 'bbh' 

253 return 'bns' 





258class LVCGraceDbEventData(JSONFile, OnlineVetoMixin): 

259 """ 

260 The event dictionary as returned by the GraceDb API. Includes richer 

261 information on the single-detector and multi-detector inspiral parameters 

262 than is provided in LVAlerts or GCN Notices. Convenience methods are 

263 provided for certain commonly-used reconstructed parameters, but full data 

264 can always be accessed by running ``read_json``. 

265 """ 


267 FILENAME = 'lvc_gracedb_event_data.json' 

268 DEPENDENCIES = (SkymapInfo,) 


270 # properties that must bei in the response from GraceDB, or else it will be 

271 # rejected; provide a tuple of tuples of keys that must successively map to 

272 # objects in the event dictionary. 

273 _required_properties = ( 

274 ('offline',), 

275 ('instruments',), 

276 ) 


278 # the current list of instruments that can participate in GW searches 


280 "H1", 

281 "L1", 

282 "V1", 

283 } 


285 def _generate(self): 

286 client = GraceDb() 

287 skyinfo = SkymapInfo(self) 

288 try: 

289 if (skyinfo.graceid.startswith("S") or 

290 skyinfo.graceid.startswith("MS")): 

291 sup = client.superevent(skyinfo.graceid).json() 

292 graceid = sup['preferred_event'] 

293 else: 

294 graceid = skyinfo.graceid 

295 res = client.event(graceid) 

296 except HTTPError as err: 

297 raise GenerationError(err.message) 

298 event = res.json() 

299 for path in self._required_properties: 

300 partial_path = event 

301 for key in path: 

302 try: 

303 partial_path = partial_path[key] 

304 except KeyError: 

305 msg_fmt = ("Could not parse GraceDB event info, missing " 

306 "property: event[{}]") 

307 msg = msg_fmt.format("][".join(repr(k) for k in path)) 

308 raise GenerationError(msg) 

309 self._write_json(event) 


311 @property 

312 def snr(self): 

313 """The coincident signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Raises a ``KeyError`` if 

314 it is not defined.""" 

315 return self.read_json()['extra_attributes']['CoincInspiral']['snr'] 


317 @property 

318 def total_mass(self): 

319 """The total binary mass. Raises a ``KeyError`` if it is not 

320 defined.""" 

321 event = self.read_json() 

322 return event['extra_attributes']['CoincInspiral']['mass'] 


324 @property 

325 def chirp_mass(self): 

326 """The chirp mass. Raises a ``KeyError`` if it is not 

327 defined.""" 

328 event = self.read_json() 

329 return event['extra_attributes']['CoincInspiral']['mchirp'] 


331 @property 

332 def instruments(self): 

333 """A sorted list of the interferometers that participated in creating 

334 this trigger, e.g. ``['H1', 'L1']``. Raises a ``ValueError`` if 

335 unexpected instruments are found. Raises a ``KeyError`` if it is not 

336 defined.""" 

337 instruments = sorted(self.read_json()['instruments'].split(',')) 

338 if not self.GW_DETECTORS.issuperset(instruments): 

339 raise ValueError(("Got unexpected instruments for {}: " 

340 "{}").format(self.eventid, instruments)) 

341 return instruments 


343 @property 

344 def offline(self): 

345 """Whether this trigger was generated offline.""" 

346 event = self.read_json() 

347 return event['offline'] 



350assert all(type(p) == tuple for p in LVCGraceDbEventData._required_properties)