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2Utility functions for calculating significance of joint events. 


4NOTE: equations after 8 increment up by 1. equations after 22 increment up by 



7@author: dvesk, stefco 



10import logging 

11from llama.files.healpix import ( 

12 HEALPixSkyMap, 


14from llama.utils import ( 

15 parameter_factory, 

16 memoize, 

17 RemoteFileCacher, 


19from llama.com.s3 import PrivateFileCacher 



22 'https://nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com/llama/llama/objects/' 

23 '1e43fa4add9b0e2bff5c856898db5b78c9aacf53bea6e950f1fbc637d373f634' 


25NEUTRINO_POPULATIONS = PrivateFileCacher( 

26 'llama/objects/2ae02042fd06fb977765cdd69440b3dc6cda0a13a27b3ef5cf2a3dd894e3e387', 

27 'llama', 



30 'llama/objects/080b0a6c4ea33b878921d9bbf64ed95a589eab262cff7248edc1506118d8f284' 

31 'llama', 


33LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) 


35 'bayes_factor', # due to a typo in early version of the pipeline 

36 'odds_ratio', 



39def r0(Egw, search_params): 

40 """Maximum GW detection distance for isotropic-equivalent emission energy 

41 Egw.""" 

42 return search_params.k0 * Egw**0.5 / search_params.ρmin 




46def load_neutrino_background(): 

47 """Load neutrino background data. 


49 Returns 

50 ------- 

51 thetabg : array-like 

52 Array of background neutrino zenith angles [deg] as reconstructed by 

53 IceCube. 

54 EGev : array-like 

55 Array of background neutrino energies [GeV] as reconstructed by 

56 IceCube. 

57 """ 

58 import pandas 

59 neutrinos = pandas.read_hdf(BACKGROUND_NEUTRINOS.get()) 

60 return neutrinos['thetabg'], neutrinos['EGev'] 



63def p_value(odds_ratio, search_type, population, sensitivity, instruments): 

64 """Calculate the p-value for a given odds ratio. 


66 Parameters 

67 ---------- 

68 odds_ratio : float 

69 The odds ratio for signal vs. background/null; is here being 

70 interpreted as a test statistic to make the analysis robust against 

71 constant factors in the priors. 

72 search_type : str 

73 The type of search performed. This decides which background population 

74 will be used. Distinguishes between subthreshold, open public alert, 

75 and in the future, potentially other simulated backgrounds. 

76 population : str 

77 The name of the source population against which this ``odds_ratio`` 

78 will be compared, e.g. 'bns' for binary neutron stars. *NOTE*: This 

79 just has to be set so that it references an existing group in the 

80 ``NEUTRINO_POPULATIONS`` HDF5 file; there are currently no explict 

81 standards for naming the ``population``. See 

82 ``populations-hdf5-collater`` and the contents of the directory 

83 containing ``NEUTRINO_POPULATIONS`` for available options. 

84 sensitivity : str 

85 The detector configuration and sensitivity used, e.g. 'design' for HLV 

86 at design sensitivity. See the *NOTE* on ``population`` for naming 

87 information. 

88 instruments : list 

89 The instruments participating in this search as a list of detector 

90 names, e.g. ``[H1, L1, V1]`` for all three O3 GW detectors. If a 

91 background population is available for this set of instruments, it will 

92 be used; otherwise, at attempt will be made to use a population 

93 averaging over all sets of participating detectors (for populations 

94 where full separate cases could not be feasibly generated). 


96 Returns 

97 ------- 

98 p_value : float or NoneType 

99 The p-value or false-alarm probability (FAP) of the given 

100 ``odds_ratio`` assuming the given source population and detector 

101 configuration. Returns ``None`` if a matching background does not yet 

102 exist for this search configuration. 

103 """ 

104 import h5py 

105 det = ''.join(sorted(instruments)) 

106 with h5py.File(NEUTRINO_POPULATIONS.get(), 'r') as bg_odds_file: 

107 try: 

108 bg_odds = bg_odds_file[search_type][population][sensitivity][det][()] 

109 except (ValueError, KeyError): 

110 LOGGER.error("No background population found for search_type: %s, " 

111 "population: %s, sensitivity: %s, detector: %s ", 

112 search_type, population, sensitivity, det) 

113 return None 

114 return 1 - bg_odds.searchsorted(odds_ratio) / len(bg_odds) 



117def Pempgw(ρgw, gw_bg_ρs): 

118 """The empirical neutrino background for a given GW SNR ``ρgw``. 


120 Parameters 

121 ---------- 

122 ρgw : float 

123 The SNR of the current GW trigger. 

124 gw_bg_ρs : RemoteFileCacher 

125 A file with a list of historical background SNR values. 

126 """ 

127 import numpy as np 

128 binnumber=50 

129 with gw_bg_ρs.get().open() as nubgfile: 

130 cont = nubgfile.readlines() 

131 cont2 = np.zeros((len(cont), 1)) 

132 for i in range(0, len(cont)): 

133 cont2[i] = float(cont[i]) 

134 maxcont2=max(cont2)[0] 

135 mincont2=min(cont2)[0] 

136 hist, binedges = np.histogram(cont2, bins=binnumber, range=(mincont2, maxcont2)) 

137 i = 1 

138 while ρgw > binedges[i]: 

139 i = i+1 

140 if (i == len(binedges)): 

141 i = i-1 

142 break 

143 # conservatively find at least one matching background event even if the 

144 # bin is empty (since the tails are sparsely populated). 

145 return max(hist[i-1],1)*1.0/hist.sum()/(maxcont2-mincont2)*binnumber 



148# pylint: disable=invalid-name 

149IceCubeLvcSearchParameters = parameter_factory( 

150 "IceCubeLvcSearchParameters", 

151 """A collection of search parameters for IceCube/LVC joint searches for the 

152 LLAMA 2.0 pipeline. Energies should be in ergs, distances in Mpc. 


154 https://arxiv.org/abs/1810.11467 

155 """, 

156 # TODO add units 

157 nu_51_100="Detector-specific parameter for neutrino observatories (Eq 10)", 

158 fb="Neutrino beaming factor", 

159 expected_multimessenger_event_detection_rate_density="""Expected 

160 rate-density of GW+HEN events detected [1/(m**3 t)]""", 

161 k0="""A constant that relates ρ, event distance, and emission energy for 

162 typical GWs via the equation r = k0 * Egw**0.5 / ρgw.""", 

163 k1="""A constant that relates the lowest admissible ρ, the GW emission 

164 energy, and the maximum possible source distance for those values via 

165 the equation r_max = k1 * Egw**0.5 / ρmin.""", 

166 tgwminus="""Max number of seconds BEFORE event time that GW emission can 

167 occur in the model.""", 

168 tgwplus="""Max number of seconds AFTER event time that GW emission can 

169 occur in the model.""", 

170 tnuminus="""Max number of seconds BEFORE event time that neutrino emission 

171 can occur in the model.""", 

172 tnuplus="""Max number of seconds AFTER event time that neutrino emission 

173 can occur in the model.""", 

174 ratebggw="Background rates for GW channel (Eq. 30) in Hz", 

175 ndotgwnu="""a constant such that ndotgwnu*P(Egw,Enu|Hs) corresponds to the 

176 differential rate density of GW+neutrino events (Eq. 11)""", 

177 ratebgnu="Background rates for neutrino channel (Eq. 30) in Hz", 

178 Egwmax="""Maximum isotropic-equivalent GW energy emission accounted for by 

179 the model [GeV].""", 

180 Egwmin="""Minimum isotropic-equivalent GW energy emission accounted for by 

181 the model [GeV].""", 

182 # TODO add units. 

183 Eₙmax="""Maximum isotropic-equivalent neutrino energy emission accounted 

184 for by the model.""", 

185 # TODO add units. 

186 Eₙmin="""Minimum isotropic-equivalent neutrino energy emission accounted 

187 for by the model.""", 

188 ϵmin="Minimum detectable neutrino energy (Eq. 22)", 

189 ϵmax="""Maximum neutrino energy (above which the emission rate is 

190 negligible); serves as an upper bound for the integral in Eq. 22.""", 

191 ρmin="""Threshold GW SNR (ρgw) under which GW events are not analyzed 

192 by the pipeline. Affects event candidate selection and constrains the 

193 maximum detected GW source distance. (Eq 18, 47)""", 

194 δω="""Max angular distance between neutrino reconstructed direction 

195 and background neutrino reconstructed directions to use when 

196 calculating chance coincidence hypothesis.""", 

197 ΔE="""Max energy difference between neutrino reconstructed energy and 

198 background neutrino reconstructed energy to use when calculating chance 

199 coincidence hypothesis.""", 

200 population="""The name of the source population to use when calculating the 

201 p-value (see note in ``p_value`` on which names are valid), e.g. 'bns' 

202 for binary neutron starts.""", 

203 sensitivity="""The detector configuration and sensitivity to 

204 assume when calculating the p-value (see note in ``p_value`` on which 

205 names to use and which configurations are available), e.g. 'design' for 

206 HLV at design sensitivity.""", 

207 instruments="""The instruments that participated in the discovery of a 

208 particular trigger in list form, e.g. ``["H1", "L1", "V1"]`` for all 

209 LIGO/Virgo GW detectors.""", 

210 #rnumax=rnumax 




214def t_overlap(tgw, tnu, search_params): 

215 """Integral of the source-time-dependent part of the likelihood integral 

216 (Eq. 5) finding the probability of getting ``tgw`` and ``tnu`` (the 

217 detection times of the gravitational wave trigger and neutrino trigger, 

218 respectively) given the specified ``search_params``. Factors out from the 

219 rest of Eq. 5.""" 

220 return max( 

221 0, 

222 (min(tgw+search_params.tgwplus, tnu+search_params.tnuplus) - 

223 max(tgw+search_params.tgwminus, tnu+search_params.tnuminus)) 

224 ) 



227# TODO define which exact angle we are using in our lookup table; dec? zenith? 

228def aeff_lookup_table(): 

229 """ 

230 Get a dictionary mapping from strings describing neutrino 

231 energy bounds to tuples of the form (factor, exponent) where ``factor`` is a 

232 lookup table of the constant factor multiplying the effective area (with 

233 indices representing 10-degree increments in the angle theta) and 

234 ``exponent`` is the exponent to which the neutrino energy ``e`` is raised 

235 (since we assume a rough power law for Aeff, again with indices representing 

236 10-degree increments in the angle theta). The final value will be 

237 ``factor*e**exponent``. 


239 NOTE that we need to include an item for [180, 190) degrees because 

240 int(180./10) will give us 18, indexing into the 19th entry in the lookup 

241 table, and we want to include this edge case. 

242 """ 

243 import numpy as np 

244 return { 

245 4: ( # e < 10**2 [GeV] 

246 np.array([ 

247 -15. , -15. , -15. , -15. , 

248 -15. , -15. , -15. , -15. , 

249 -4.90235479, -4.38396659, -4.40832267, -4.7313624 , 

250 -4.58396307, -4.73739424, -5.00846592, -4.78305924, 

251 -4.47899964, -4.18126993, -4.18 

252 ]), 

253 np.array([ 

254 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 

255 0. , 0. , 0. , 0.34436205, 0.12582712, 

256 0.17628614, 0.4954696 , 0.37370245, 0.57628784, 0.90438348, 

257 0.94177117, 0.90763264, 0.74932548, 0.75 

258 ]) 

259 ), 

260 5: ( # e < 10**2.5 [GeV] 

261 np.array([ 

262 -15. , -15. , -15. , -15. , 

263 -15. , -15. , -15. , -15. , 

264 -4.55799274, -4.25813947, -4.23203653, -4.2358928 , 

265 -4.21026062, -4.1611064 , -4.10408244, -3.84128807, 

266 -3.57136699, -3.43194445, -3.43 

267 ]), 

268 np.array([ 

269 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 

270 0. , 0. , 0. , 1.20473396, 0.98717625, 

271 0.97966312, 1.00738257, 0.99134297, 0.94732103, 0.88415571, 

272 0.62595829, 0.31468422, 0.11159207, 0.11 

273 ]) 

274 ), 

275 6: ( # e < 10**3 [GeV] 

276 np.array([ 

277 -15. , -15. , -15. , -15. , 

278 -15. , -15. , -15. , -15. , 

279 -3.35325878, -3.27096322, -3.25237341, -3.22851022, 

280 -3.21891764, -3.21378537, -3.21992673, -3.21532979, 

281 -3.25668277, -3.32035238, -3.32 

282 ]), 

283 np.array([ 

284 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 

285 0. , 9.48859873, 10.16760375, -0.6849539 , -0.80286694, 

286 -0.85374556, -0.88919918, -0.89323734, -0.9175427 , -0.95471555, 

287 -1.02075346, -1.01410299, -0.93018747, -0.93 

288 ]) 

289 ), 

290 7: ( # e < 10**3.5 [GeV] 

291 np.array([ 

292 -15. , -15. , -15. , -15. , 

293 -15. , -15. , -5.51140127, -4.83239625, 

294 -4.03821268, -4.07383017, -4.10611897, -4.1177094 , 

295 -4.11215499, -4.13132807, -4.17464228, -4.23608325, 

296 -4.27078576, -4.25053985, -4.25 

297 ]), 

298 np.array([ 

299 9.89429222, 9.7875918 , 9.31902768, 9.09135011, 9.53211507, 

300 9.89219328, 0.16757057, 0.41436273, -0.84342435, -0.96672298, 

301 -1.05037202, -0.99455757, -1.06779287, -1.09967731, -1.08900755, 

302 -1.0719317 , -1.1455688 , -1.2305211 , -1.23 

303 ]) 

304 ), 

305 8: ( # e < 10**4 [GeV] 

306 np.array([ 

307 -5.10570778, -5.2124082 , -5.68097232, -5.90864989, -5.46788493, 

308 -5.10780672, -5.3438307 , -4.41803352, -4.88163703, -5.04055314, 

309 -5.15649099, -5.11226698, -5.17994785, -5.23100538, -5.26364983, 

310 -5.30801495, -5.41635455, -5.48106095, -5.48 

311 ]), 

312 np.array([ 

313 0.00979211, 0.11743399, 0.69796885, 0.8364719 , 0.36332801, 

314 0.13797984, 0.42222146, -0.54389681, -1.05252801, -1.19674539, 

315 -1.08660649, -1.18304152, -1.19964391, -1.22403293, -1.30984807, 

316 -1.76417344, -1.22666052, -1.31624722, -1.32 

317 ]) 

318 ), 

319 9: ( # e < 10**4.5 [GeV] 

320 np.array([ 

321 -5.09591566, -5.09497421, -4.98300347, -5.07217799, -5.10455692, 

322 -4.96982688, -4.92160924, -4.96193033, -5.93416504, -6.23729853, 

323 -6.24309749, -6.2953085 , -6.37959176, -6.4550383 , -6.5734979 , 

324 -7.07218839, -6.64301508, -6.79730817, -6.80 

325 ]), 

326 np.array([ 

327 -0.25713648, -0.40441414, -0.38103129, -0.27439524, -0.28844569, 

328 -0.46017066, -0.62468374, -0.92680854, -1.22303767, -1.15094019, 

329 -1.31501771, -1.5002799 , -1.22590789, -1.85832137, -1.76168438, 

330 -0.72358103, -1.36116491, -5.68343383, -5.68 

331 ]) 

332 ), 

333 10: ( # e < 10**5 [GeV] 

334 np.array([ 

335 -5.35305214, -5.49938835, -5.36403475, -5.34657322, 

336 -5.39300262, -5.42999754, -5.54629298, -5.88873887, 

337 -7.15720271, -7.38823872, -7.5581152 , -7.7955884 , 

338 -7.60549965, -8.31335968, -8.33518228, -7.79576942, 

339 -8.00417999, -12.480742, -12.48 

340 ]), 

341 np.array([ 

342 -1.17141307, -1.21879427, -0.97977989, -0.85173484, -1.09922416, 

343 -1.23275651, -1.17944999, -1.19841619, -1.16663105, -1.18244783, 

344 -1.66127277, -1.47143556, -1.55130616, -6.68664032, -1.75273715, 

345 -3.44202581, -6.99582001, -2.519258 , -2.52 

346 ]) 

347 ), 

348 11: ( # e < 10**5.5 [GeV] 

349 np.array([ 

350 -6.52446521, -6.71818261, -6.34381465, -6.19830806, 

351 -6.49222677, -6.66275405, -6.72574296, -7.08715507, 

352 -8.32383376, -8.57068655, -9.21938797, -9.26702396, 

353 -9.15680581, -15. , -10.08791943, -11.23779523, 

354 -15. , -15. , -15. 

355 ]), 

356 np.array([ 

357 -8.47553479, -1.46568724, -1.21868672, -1.4595885 , -1.18975634, 

358 -0.99450981, -1.22154436, -1.01422582, -1.24586562, -1.01925748, 

359 -1.28972563, -1.17564258, -2.35048237, 4.1899023 , -4.91208057, 

360 -3.76220477, 0. , 0. ,0. 

361 ]) 

362 ), 

363 12: ( # e < 10**6 [GeV] 

364 np.array([ 

365 -15. , -8.18386986, -7.56250137, -7.65789656, 

366 -7.68198311, -7.65726385, -7.94728732, -8.10138089, 

367 -9.56969938, -9.58994404, -10.50911359, -10.44266654, 

368 -11.50728818, -10.8100977 , -15. , -15. , 

369 -15. , -15. , -15. 

370 ]), 

371 np.array([ 

372 0. , 0.00655032, -0.60124358, -0.58206732, -0.60303634, 

373 -1.01475895, -0.99433117, -0.44069475, -5.43030062, -0.53937906, 

374 -4.49088641, -4.55733346, -3.49271182, -4.1899023 , 0. , 

375 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. 

376 ]) 

377 ), 

378 13: ( # e < 10**6.5 [GeV] 

379 np.array([ 

380 -15. , -8.17731954, -8.16374495, -8.23996388, 

381 -8.28501945, -8.6720228 , -8.94161849, -8.54207563, 

382 -15. , -10.12932309, -15. , -15. , 

383 -15. , -15. , -15. , -15. , 

384 -15. , -15. , -15. 

385 ]), 

386 np.array([ 

387 6.4773239 , -6.82268046, -6.83625505, -0.81428677, -1.05563951, 

388 -0.77352849, -0.4472135 , -6.45792437, 4.27147988, -4.87067691, 

389 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 

390 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. 

391 ]) 

392 ), 

393 14: ( # e < 10**7 [GeV] 

394 np.array([ 

395 -8.5226761 , -15. , -15. , -9.05425065, 

396 -9.34065896, -9.44555129, -9.388832 , -15. , 

397 -10.72852012, -15. , -15. , -15. , 

398 -15. , -15. , -15. , -15. , 

399 -15. , -15. , -15.]), 

400 np.array([ 

401 -6.4773239 , 0. , 0. , -5.94574935, -5.65934104, 

402 -0.47052734, -5.611168 , 4.23464539, -4.27147988, 0. , 

403 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 

404 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. 

405 ]) 

406 ), 

407 15: ( # e < 10**7.5 [GeV] 

408 np.array([ 

409 -15. , -15. , -15. , -15. , 

410 -15. , -9.91607863, -15. , -10.76535461, 

411 -15. , -15. , -15. , -15. , 

412 -15. , -15. , -15. , -15. , 

413 -15. , -15. ,-15 

414 ]), 

415 np.array([ 

416 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 

417 -5.08392137, 0. , -4.23464539, 0. , 0. , 

418 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 

419 0. , 0. , 0. ,0. 

420 ]) 

421 ), 

422 'high_e': ( # e >= 10**8 [GeV] 

423 np.array( # Constant Factor 

424 1 * [-15.0] + # [0, 10) [deg] 

425 18 * [-15.0] # [10, 190) [deg] 

426 ), 

427 np.array( # Exponent applied to the neutrino energy 

428 1 * [0.] + # [0, 10) [deg] 

429 18 * [0.] # [10, 190) [deg] 

430 ) 

431 ), 

432 } 



435# relative occurence probability of a signal neutrino in 5deg zenith bands 

436# starting from 0 

437def angle_list(): 

438 import numpy as np 

439 return np.array([0.064912 , 0.06930208, 0.07447563, 0.0793188 , 

440 0.08591584, 0.09197046, 0.10022791, 0.10723858, 

441 0.11913539, 0.12817956, 0.14293096, 0.17679627, 

442 0.21033154, 0.25710645, 0.35197546, 0.54138516, 

443 1.33562294, 2.59808902, 2.66636028, 2.44928372, 

444 2.25773049, 2.11718214, 2.01375073, 1.91195977, 

445 1.82192818, 1.72508975, 1.63648361, 1.57418033, 

446 1.5086993, 1.42200218, 1.28744103, 1.21574383, 

447 1.15708913, 1.10138159, 1.04943515, 0.92742034]) 



450def Aeff(e, theta): 

451 import numpy as np 

452 log_e = np.log10(e) 

453 # angle-dependent from here on out; use the angles to index into 

454 # aeff_lookup_table. 

455 angle_index = np.array((theta)/10, dtype=int) 

456 # default factor, exponent for Aeff at highest energies 

457 factor, exponent = aeff_lookup_table()['high_e'] 

458 # see if we need factor, exponent for Aeff at lower energies 

459 for log_e_upper in range (5,17): 

460 if log_e < log_e_upper/2.0: 

461 factor, exponent = aeff_lookup_table()[log_e_upper-1] 

462 break 

463 a_eff = 10**(factor[angle_index]+(log_e-log_e_upper/2.0+0.5)*2.0*exponent[angle_index]) 

464 # if input was a scalar, still return a scalar 

465 if a_eff.shape == (): 

466 return float(a_eff) 

467 return a_eff 



470def Aeff_skymap(skymap, enu): 

471 """Get the energy- and direction-dependent effective areas of the neutrino 

472 detector for every direction provided in ``skymap`` (Eq. 21, 22) 


474 Parameters 

475 ---------- 

476 skymap : llama.files.healpix.HEALPixSkyMap 

477 A ``HEALPixSkyMap`` instance with defined right-ascensions and 

478 declinations. 

479 enu : float 

480 The reconstructed neutrino energy. 

481 """ 

482 return HEALPixSkyMap(Aeff(enu, 90+skymap.dec), nest=skymap.nest) 



485# TODO get IceCubeLvcSearchParameters into auto documentation at some point, 

486# since it has descriptions of all of our parameters 

487def search_parameters(population, instruments): 

488 """Return an ``IceCubeLvcSearchParameters`` instance with all default 

489 values and the given ``population`` and ``instruments``. 


491 population : str 

492 The name of the source population against which this ``odds_ratio`` 

493 will be compared, e.g. 'bns' for binary neutron stars. *NOTE*: This 

494 just has to be set so that it references an existing group in the 

495 ``NEUTRINO_POPULATIONS`` HDF5 file; there are currently no explict 

496 standards for naming the ``population``. See 

497 ``populations-hdf5-collater`` and the contents of the directory 

498 containing ``NEUTRINO_POPULATIONS`` for available options. 

499 instruments : list 

500 The GW detectors participating in this search as a list of detector 

501 names, e.g. ``[H1, L1, V1]`` for all three O3 GW detectors. If a 

502 background population is available for this set of instruments, it will 

503 be used; otherwise, at attempt will be made to use a population 

504 averaging over all sets of participating instruments (for populations 

505 where full separate cases could not be feasibly generated). 


507 Returns 

508 ------- 

509 search_params : IceCubeLvcSearchParameters 

510 Default search parameter values along with the provided ``population`` 

511 and ``instruments``. 

512 """ 

513 return IceCubeLvcSearchParameters( 

514 nu_51_100=1.1, #*1.05*10**-49 

515 ndotgwnu=1500./(365*24*3600)*10**-9, #(1/(MpC^3s)) 

516 fb=10.0, 

517 k0=400.8, #(s^1.5/kg^0.5) 

518 k1=400.8, 

519 # TODO unused it seems; remove 

520 expected_multimessenger_event_detection_rate_density=11, 

521 tgwplus=250.0, #s 

522 tgwminus=-250.0, 

523 tnuplus=250.0, 

524 tnuminus=-250.0, 

525 ratebggw=1./(3600*24), #1/s 

526 ratebgnu=6.4/1000, # 1/s 

527 Egwmax=18.7, #kg MpC^2/s^2 

528 Egwmin=18.7*10**-4, 

529 Eₙmax=0.1, #kg MpC^2/s^2 

530 Eₙmin=10**-6, 

531 ϵmin=10.0, # GeV 

532 ϵmax=10**9, # GeV 

533 ρmin=5.59, 

534 δω=2.5, 

535 ΔE=0.3, 

536 population=population, 

537 instruments=instruments, 

538 sensitivity='o3', 

539 )