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1# (c) Stefan Countryman 2019 



4Tools for fetching remote archival neutrino data from IceCube's servers. You 

5will need IceCube login credentials to be able to run these scripts. 



8import os 

9import logging 

10from typing import List 

11from hashlib import sha256 

12from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory 

13from pathlib import Path 

14from llama.dev.upload import DEFAULT_KEY_ROOT 

15from llama.classes import optional_env_var 

16from llama.com.s3 import upload_file, DEFAULT_BUCKET, PrivateFileCacher 


18BLOCKSIZE = 2**20 # 1MB at a time 

19LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) 

20DEFAULT_ROOT = '/data/ana/analyses/gfu/' 

21I3PUB = 'pub.icecube.wisc.edu' 

22COBALT = 'cobalt' 


24 '{{fname}}': {PrivateFileCacher.__name__}( 

25 '{{key}}', 

26 '{{bucket}}' 

27 ),""" 

28I3_USERNAME = optional_env_var( 

29 ['I3_USERNAME'], 

30 "You need to specify your IceCube username to access remote IceCube data." 




34def available_versions(root: str = DEFAULT_ROOT): 

35 """Get a list of available GFU archival neutrino versions from the IceCube 

36 servers. 


38 Parameters 

39 ---------- 

40 root : str, optonal 

41 The root directory in which to search for neutrino archive versions. 


43 Returns 

44 ------- 

45 version_dirs : List[str] 

46 A list of relative subdirectories to ``root`` on the remote IceCube 

47 server. If you picked ``root`` correctly, this should be a list of 

48 neutrino archive version snapshots in ascending temporal order. 


50 Raises 

51 ------ 

52 ValueError 

53 If ``I3_USERNAME`` is ``None`` (probably happened because you didn't set the 

54 ``I3_USERNAME`` to your IceCube server username). 


56 Examples 

57 -------- 

58 You should be able to get archival neutrinos used in the early-o3 era: 


60 >>> 'version-002-p04' in available_versions() 

61 True 

62 """ 

63 if I3_USERNAME is None: 

64 raise ValueError("Set I3_USERNAME in your environmental variables.") 

65 from subprocess import Popen, PIPE 

66 cmd = ['ssh', f"{I3_USERNAME}@{I3PUB}", f"ssh {I3_USERNAME}@{COBALT} " 

67 f"'find \"{root}\" -type d -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 " 

68 "-exec basename {} \\;'"] 

69 proc = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) 

70 res, err = proc.communicate() 

71 if proc.returncode: 

72 LOGGER.error("Could not fetch available neutrino archives.") 

73 LOGGER.error("STDOUT:\n%s\nSTDERR:\n%s", res, err) 

74 raise IOError("Could not fetch available neutrinos.") 

75 return sorted(res.decode().strip().split("\n")) 



78def fetch_archival_neutrinos(version_dir: str, dest: str, 

79 root: str = DEFAULT_ROOT): 

80 """Same as ``secure_transfer_to_s3``, but store the files in the ``dest`` 

81 directory instead of uploading them to S3. Mainly used as an implementation 

82 tool for ``secure_transfer_to_s3``. Raises a ``FileNotFoundError`` if 

83 ``dest`` is not an existing directory. 

84 """ 

85 if I3_USERNAME is None: 

86 raise ValueError("Set I3_USERNAME in your environmental variables.") 

87 from subprocess import Popen, PIPE 

88 from sys import stdout 

89 if not os.path.isdir(dest): 

90 raise FileNotFoundError("``dest`` must be an existing directory, got: " 

91 f"{dest}.") 

92 arc = f'{I3_USERNAME}@{COBALT}:{root}/{version_dir}/' 

93 LOGGER.debug("Archive path: %s", arc) 

94 if not stdout.isatty(): 

95 stdout = PIPE 

96 # *data.npy are data files; use the MC files if you want those in future 

97 cmd = ['scp', 

98 '-oProxyCommand=ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -W ' 

99 f'%h:%p {I3_USERNAME}@{I3PUB}', 

100 arc+'*README', arc+'*data.npy', dest] 

101 LOGGER.debug("Download command: %s", cmd) 

102 proc = Popen(cmd, stdout=stdout, stderr=stdout) 

103 res, err = proc.communicate() 

104 if proc.returncode: 

105 LOGGER.error("Archival neutrino fetchin failed. " 

106 "STDOUT:\n%s\nSTDERR:\n%s", res, err) 

107 else: 

108 LOGGER.info("Finished fetching files. STDOUT:\n%s\nSTDERR:\n%s", res, 

109 err) 



112def secure_transfer_to_s3(version_dir: str, root: str = DEFAULT_ROOT): 

113 """Fetch data files containing archival IceCube neutrino track events from 

114 IceCube servers and upload it to non-public AWS S3/DigitalOcean Spaces 

115 storage. Returns information on the file locations that can be used for 

116 automatic authenticated data retrieval. 


118 Parameters 

119 ---------- 

120 version_dir : str 

121 The name of the directory (as a relative path from ``root``) in which 

122 the archival neutrinos you want are stored as ``.npy`` or ``.root`` 

123 files. Should be one of the return values of 

124 ``available_versions(root=root)``. 

125 root : str, optonal 

126 The root directory in which to search for neutrino archive versions on 

127 the IceCube server. 


129 Returns 

130 ------- 

131 private_file_cachers : str 

132 A code string that's a ``dict`` of ``llama.com.s3.PrivateFileCacher`` 

133 declarations pointing to the relevant files; you should paste this file 

134 into the ``llama.files.i3.json.ARCHIVAL_NEUTRINOS`` dictionary to 

135 enable access to these files. 

136 """ 

137 with TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: 

138 fetch_archival_neutrinos(version_dir, dest=tmpdir, root=root) 

139 LOGGER.debug("Fetched remote neutrinos and stored them in %s", tmpdir) 

140 tmp = Path(tmpdir) 

141 cachers = f"'{version_dir}': {{" 

142 for fname in os.listdir(tmp): 

143 with open(tmp/fname, 'rb') as infile: 

144 sha = sha256() 

145 file_buffer = infile.read(BLOCKSIZE) 

146 while len(file_buffer) > 0: 

147 sha.update(file_buffer) 

148 file_buffer = infile.read(BLOCKSIZE) 

149 shasum = sha.hexdigest() 

150 key = DEFAULT_KEY_ROOT + shasum 

151 fpath = str(tmp/fname) 

152 LOGGER.debug("Uploading file %s to bucket %s, key %s", fpath, 


154 upload_file(fpath, key, bucket=DEFAULT_BUCKET, public=False) 

155 LOGGER.info("Upload successful: %s -> %s %s", fpath, 


157 cacher = CACHER_DECLARATION_FMT.format(fname=fname, key=key, 

158 bucket=DEFAULT_BUCKET) 

159 LOGGER.debug("Adding cacher declaration line: %s", cacher) 

160 cachers += cacher 

161 return cachers + "\n},"