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1# (c) Stefan Countryman, 2019 



4Take the output files made by ``llama dev background table`` for each 

5population you are interested in and collate them into a single HDF5 file for 

6p-value calculations. All files are expected to be in the current directory, 

7and the output will be in this directory as well. 


9Both input and output files correspond to background significance values for 

10various source populations. The HDF5 file simply contains a dictionary of 

11ascending-order arrays whose values are the test statistics of background 

12simulations and whose keys are the name of the background population in a 

13specific heirarchical order. These keys are automatically selected when 

14`populations-hdf5-collater` is run in this directory by splitting 

15the source `.txt` table filenames on hyphens (`-`). For example, if the 

16populations folder containg `bns-design.txt` `bns-o2.txt`, the output HDF5 

17populations file will have the following dictionary in it: 


19.. code:: json 


21 { 

22 "bns": { 

23 "design": array([...]), 

24 "o2": array([...]) 

25 } 

26 } 


28The output HDF5 file is saved to the current directory by default, 

29but if you want to use it for LLAMA p-value calculations, make sure to upload 

30both the tarballed populations directory and the compressed HDF5 file to cloud 

31storage using ``llama dev upload`` and then store the new URLs in the 

32``RemoteFileCacher`` instances used for 

33``llama.files.coinc_significance.NEUTRINO_POPULATIONS`` and 



36To summarize: you want to download the existing population tarball, decompress 

37it with ``tar -xzf populations.tar.gz`` (assuming it's named 

38``populations.tar.gz``, of course), move your ``llama dev background table`` 

39output text files to that directory, name the new tables in the expected format 


41``opa-bbh-o3-H1V1.txt``), run this script in that directory, put the text 

42tables in a compressed tarball called e.g. ``populations.tar.gz`` by running 

43``tar -czf populations.tar.gz populations`` in the containing directory, upload 

44both that and the HDF5 file to the cloud with ``llama dev upload``, and then 

45use the URLs in the manifest printed by ``llama dev upload`` to update the 


47``llama.files.coinc_significance`` source code. 
