llama serve gui

Serve pages for events in the current run. Runs a Flask server in debug mode. Specify the domain using environment variable LLAMA_DOMAIN (default: localhost) and the port as LLAMA_GUI_PORT (default: 80).

usage: llama serve gui [-h] [-l LOGFILE]
                       [-v {debug,info,warning,error,critical,none}]

Named Arguments


Force the user to log in using basic HTTP auth. Requires that environmental variables LLAMA_GUI_USERNAME and LLAMA_GUI_PASSWORD are both set.

Default: False

logging settings

-l, --logfile

File where logs should be written. By default, all logging produced by llama run goes to both an archival logfile shared by all instances of the process as well as STDERR. The archival logfile can be overridden with this argument. If you specify /dev/null or a path that resolves to the same, logfile output will be suppressed automatically. Logs written to the logfile are always at maximum verbosity, i.e. DEBUG. (default: /root/.local/share/llama/logs/gui.log)

Default: “/root/.local/share/llama/logs/gui.log”

-v, --verbosity

Possible choices: debug, info, warning, error, critical, none

Set the verbosity level at which to log to STDOUT; the --logfile will ALWAYS receive maximum verbosity logs (unless it is completely supressed by writing to /dev/null). Available choices correspond to logging severity levels from the logging library, with the addition of none if you want to completely suppress logging to standard out. (default: info)

Default: “info”